Mark E. Prosocialize (Catalonia)

Yesterday we held the Wednesday Open Access Assembly. This assembly is always on the second Wednesday of the month at 21 UTC. Please read the minutes of it if you could not attend.
The following was established:
Call to action

  1. Share this video clip with friends or groups.
  2. Open an account in

    Help wanted


In order to achieve our mission of bringing projects together, creating a work environment for members of the community to come together and apply their time, skills and labor towards implementing our global aims: RBE UNITED is seeking people with the following capabilities
a Project Management
b. Writing/editing NLRBE content
c. write new code for our Odoo server to help us create a community organization system for a IRL NLRBE Community as well as work on programming an economic distribution system GEMS (garden economic management system)

If you are interested in joining this initiative, please do the following:

a. create a profile on our website in development
b. Send me a personal message about yourself as well as your contact information so you might meet and further discuss this initiative and your place within. Please contact me on discord @Harakat

    1. @ RJS asks for assistance to draft a nice letter promoting the NHRM’s train of thought for the independent federal member. Her issue is about declaring how much water politicians are taking.
      You can contact him here .