What is this

This is a list of projects branches and people in TZM are working on. Finnish chapter is taking care of the updates. If you have a project you would like to have listed, contact info@tzm.fi

List of projects

Changing the world is easy

The idea

The final goal is to replace the commercial systems that provide what we need to live and thrive with trade-free organizations and networks so everyone can access goods and services without buying or trading for them. This is done with three general actions.

  1. Educating the public and promoting sharing and generosity.
  2. Showing people the networks, tools and methods that facilitate, permit and organize sharing and generosity. We call them Free Collaboration Networks.
  3. Telling people about this project, and giving it visibility, and people how it these actions are done so that more and more people participate.


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Branch websites

An easy to way to create a website for your branch. These websites are hosted on tzm.community server and currently it is free for branches.

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Copiosis Rocket

The idea

Prototype Copiosis community management application.


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Discord bots

The idea

Bots are used to update news and handle discord roles.

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RBE Information System

The idea

The goal of this application is to slowly create a complete Natural Law / Resource Based Economy resource management software for education and maybe practical use.


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Living TZM

The idea

Welcome to the Living TZM channel where people living and exploring the exciting ways of The Zeitgeist Movement showcase their activities, opinions and lifestyle.

Send us your media creations via e-mail. Our editors will assist with logos and graphics, arrangement, and general suggestions which will be sent back to you for approval prior to being published. Please upload the content to service you like to use and send us links to living@tzm.community.

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The idea

Learn the train of thought that will change the world.

The is currently two courses you can go through.

  • Train of thought to NL/RBE
  • Introduction to TZM


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Transition paths

The idea

A growing number of people seem to agree that this current system isn’t working towards healthy planet and humanity.

It also looks like people aren’t finding the solutions to that problem that they could join to take part in.

This app is here to help you find your path towards a more sustainable future. Take small steps and see where the path takes you.

I hope our paths cross sooner or later :)


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