Founding activist/coordinator for TZM Ukraine, @Oleksii Siryi , has recently opened a new Vegan Cheese business to demonstrate sustainable food production and possibilities for making plant-based cheeses. Profits will go back into the TZM Ukrain group to help further awareness. Barring Covid19 complications, Grey Vegan Cheese will be available at День Вегана (Vegan Day), Kiev’s largest vegan festival on May 1st of 2021. https://www.facebook.com/GreyVeganCheese/
And as early as 2017, prominent TZM activists have been working on plans to open up a cafe in the city of Kiev, as a hub for activism, organizing and com#munity. But due to Covid19 shutdowns all businesses of ‘hospitality’ stand a risk of going out of business, and so plans to open the cafe have been postponed.
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/tzmglobal/posts/3358901760859122